Arbitration board of the legal profession

To arbitrate disputes between lawyers and clients, a central arbitration body that is independent of the regional bar associations was created at the Federal Bar Association (BRAK). This arbitration board of the legal profession acts in disputes between lawyer and client and supplements the arbitration offers of the regional bar associations. Information on the procedure before the arbitration board of the legal profession can be found on the Internet portal of the Federal Bar Association at


In the event of disputes between the client and the lawyer, the board of directors of the Braunschweig Bar Association offers a mediation procedure in accordance with the provision in Section 73 (2) No. 3 BRAO. At the request of one of the parties involved, a

member of the board of directors takes on the case and tries to find an amicable solution between the parties. A mediation process is usually only promising if both sides agree. The Chamber can submit a mediation proposal.

A mediation by the Bar Association is only possible to a very limited extent in fee disputes. Because the bar association is gem. Section 14 (2) RVG is obliged to provide expert opinions to the court if there is a dispute over the amount of a general fee charged

by the lawyer. In such cases, the board of directors may not carry out any out-of-court mediation.


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